Saturday, July 5, 2008

Thursday Night (A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving- Lao Tzu).

(teresa, me, joanna, jess, carrie & evi)

It seems to be a common theme here in Geneva, that people stay, but they don't stay long. In that regard, I suppose I am happy to be the one leaving as it would be REALLY hard to have to watch my friends all go in different directions while I had to remain stagnant. To handle the separation that is inevitable, my friends and I decided to celebrate our "goodbyes" which has been a lot of fun. On Thursday night, a group of my Au Pair friends all got together to bid our friend Carrie (the Crazy Canadian) fair well. It has been interesting to see how so many people that I have met here are going somewhere else, and for all different reasons. Some people are moving on to new countries, to learn new languages and cultures. Other people are going home to get re-centered, with the hope of discovering a new place very soon. I suppose it all took a certain amount of bravery to leave the places we call home, and it is now the time to move on again. To muster up a bit more courage to do what we are supposed to in order to fulfill our individual purpose. eh! It gets exhausting sometimes to think about all of the changes that have and will take place. I suppose that is why we just have to be present, to laugh and enjoy each others company while we can.

(a guy at the club cracking himself up)

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